Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ten Weeks Out

Progress pic time! I apologize for the thong...but I need to be able to see booty progress, and I don't have anything that doesn't cover up the boo-tay...other than thongs...

Coach said she was planning to tell me areas to work on and improve this week, but everything has improved already. =) She even said my glutes/hamstrings are coming in nicely already, and that usually doesn't happen until the last week or two. My booty will prob be my biggest problem's so phat! Hahahahaha...I kid, I kid. So yeah, I just keep trucking...and watch the improvements =)

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Set Back

So it's bound to see a big jump in the scale and you think "Oh, I can have one piece of candy today and make it fit my macros" and then you eat that one, delicious, chocolate truffle, and spiral OUT OF CONTROL. So Wednesday afternoon, and two truffles and two HUGE spoons of Dark Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter later, I thought I would barf! Naturally, the scale jumped up 3 lbs...but still making GREAT progress. It didn't set me back too much, but at least I've now learned from that experience. Moving on!

So that was Wednesday...even though I pigged out, I still felt pretty good Thursday. So after an awesome leg workout, I snapped this little shameless selfie. I haven't worked on posing at all, but I'm trying to incorporate it as much as I can before I learn if it looks terrible, it should!

Here was my leg really can be modified slightly and done at home!
15 minutes walking lunges on treadmill. 2 minutes on, 1 minute off
6 sets of 12 squats
standing calf raises
16 plyo box squats (set up a step, starting straddle the step, then hop onto box, then hop off to sides and squat until booty touches the step, jump back onto step, so forth and so on)
16 jump lunges on step
20 kettlebell swings (you can use a dumbbell)
16 box jumps
Repeat 3 times 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My "Friends With Benefits" Dylan moment

Get your mind out of the title simply implies how bad I am at simple math. In the movie "Friends With Benefits", Justin Timberlake's character is terrible at math. At one point in the movie he's trying to figure out what time his dad's flight will land in New York and he says "so I should pick him up at, 32?" LOL! Kevin picks on me every time I have to add something and says "32?" I'm really not that bad at math, but when I have to add things in my head quickly, I usually do it wrong. ANYWAY, the point of this story is simply this: I thought I was on a 16 week prep. Nope, I'm on a 14 week prep. SO, I'm 11.5 weeks out. YIKES! And no thanks to one of my teammates (who had a nightmare that she forgot to do posing practice) I had a similar dream last night, AND I lost my shoes in my I'm sure those will only get worse as it gets closer. 

Last night's flex bowl...too good not to share:

65g ON chocolate peanut butter casein (mixed with water to make a "pudding")
10g Chex muddy buddies
7g dark chocolate chips
1 BioLayne low carb brownie (click here for recipe)
1 scoop Walden Farms chocolate dip (best thing EVER!) Kroger sells it =)

ANNNND, it fit my macros! #iifym

Sunday, February 9, 2014

14 Weeks Out

Two down, 14 to GO! Still doing really well in my prep. Haven't messed up yet...and we even ate out at Chili's last night. I got a house salad with no croutons and vinegar for dressing, and a cup of chicken enchilada soup. Fir my macros perfectly. Thank goodness for Calorie King and MyFitnessPal =) So I finally took some progress pics. The angles are a little different from the first pics (that's what happens when your hubby is almost a foot taller than you), but you can still tell a pretty big difference...especially for two weeks!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

12 Days Into Prep!

Today is day 12 of prep. I weighed in with Ashley again today. I'm already down a total of 6.3 lbs!! =) It's amazing what hitting those macros daily will do! I know a lot was water wight still, but I'm moving along well. Ashley said that because I have so much muscle already, and I don't and never have over done it on cardio, that I'll (fingers crossed) have an easy prep. So I get to keep my carbs at 125.8g daily for now...WOOT! 

A fellow team mate and competitor told me to check out girls legging to work out in....never thought about it, but I scored these sweet babies last Friday for $28.00!! The women's were $50! These are a youth girls medium, so if you need bigger or smaller, you can def fit them! Apparently youth girls are bigger than we were at that Regardless, I LOVE them! They're so fun!

I have a lot of catching up:

Some food fun! Egg white omelets. Suddenly obsessed and eating them daily. I've ranged from bacon and cheese to fajita mix veggies, and this morning was .25oz jalapenos and .25 oz banana peppers with 1 oz cheese in 3 egg whites. That's my new favorite! Mmmmmm...

I ALSO got my Rise Above leggings in the mail on Monday (do you see a fitness apparel trend here?). Rise Above Fitness is a gym in Huntington Beach, CA and I follow one of their trainers on IG. She's always wearing these leggings and I loved the look of them, but they were $40. Well, they FINALY went on sale for $25 (plus $5 shipping) so I scooped up a pair. I bought an XS cause that's all they had left, but they fit great! LOVE them! If you have IG, check out @riseabovefitness and @glutezz