Friday, February 21, 2014

The Set Back

So it's bound to see a big jump in the scale and you think "Oh, I can have one piece of candy today and make it fit my macros" and then you eat that one, delicious, chocolate truffle, and spiral OUT OF CONTROL. So Wednesday afternoon, and two truffles and two HUGE spoons of Dark Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter later, I thought I would barf! Naturally, the scale jumped up 3 lbs...but still making GREAT progress. It didn't set me back too much, but at least I've now learned from that experience. Moving on!

So that was Wednesday...even though I pigged out, I still felt pretty good Thursday. So after an awesome leg workout, I snapped this little shameless selfie. I haven't worked on posing at all, but I'm trying to incorporate it as much as I can before I learn if it looks terrible, it should!

Here was my leg really can be modified slightly and done at home!
15 minutes walking lunges on treadmill. 2 minutes on, 1 minute off
6 sets of 12 squats
standing calf raises
16 plyo box squats (set up a step, starting straddle the step, then hop onto box, then hop off to sides and squat until booty touches the step, jump back onto step, so forth and so on)
16 jump lunges on step
20 kettlebell swings (you can use a dumbbell)
16 box jumps
Repeat 3 times 

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