Friday, January 31, 2014

Snow-pocalypse 2014

So much for a daily blog update. The snow made me lazy! SO glad to finally be back to work and back to reality. I weighed in with Ashley yesterday...4 days in to prep...and down 3 lbs already! WOOT! We will be going to a Superbowl party Sunday, but luckily it's with close friends, so they won't mind me making kale chips in their I'm using Sunday as my high carb day too, so I can have a treat at least! 

Last night I made the most AMAZING mug cake, and it fit my macros perfectly. 

One scoop (34g) chocolate peanut butter casein 
1 tbsp coconut flour
1 tbsp baking cocoa
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp egg whites
2 oz unsweetened almond milk
30g Quest cravings peanut butter cup

Mix all ingredients in a bowl, put half the batter in a sprayed mug, crumble half the Quest pb cup, top with rest of batter and heat in microwave for 1 minute. Top with rest of pb cup. I topped mine with 4 tbsp (10g) of fat free redi whip as well! SO GOOD! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 2

Today was uneventful. I felt a little low on energy when I got home from the gym, but I had a pretty solid workout. Today was shoulder day...I love shoulders...especially when the right one doesn't hurt. Today's workout was:

3 x 12 lat raises (10,12, 15 lbs)
3 x 12 front raises (10,12, 15 lbs)
3 x 12 rear delt raises (10, 12, 15 lbs)

3 x 12 cable upright row (70, 70, 70)

4 x 12 shoulder press (25, 25, 25, 30)

Cable lat raises to exhaustion

2 sets 25 incline push ups

16 minutes HIIT on the stair climber

I'm definitely happy right now that Ashley has my cardio lower. If I had to up it right now I'd burn out before 16 weeks is done. A little annoyed that we're about to get snow. Wednesday was going to be an off day anyway, but that's because I was training a client. Now I'm having to move that to another day and I'm sure I won't be able to get to the gym on Wednesday. Burpees it is! Booooo. Food was on point...and I'm already down 1.6 lbs from yesterday...just goes to show what shit food will do to you! And since I have no fun fitness pics you go! Utley LOVES jell-o!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Prep Day 1

As promised, here is one of many days of prep logged. 
Last night we went out to mellow Mushroom for my "food funeral". I crushed pizza, pretzels, and drank some, heavy craft beer. It was delicious. 

So today was a breeze. Ashley only cut me 10g of carbs per day, and my fat went up...more peanut butter, you say?!?! OKAY! Weekends are usually pretty easy, minus the extra temptations. But I wake up a little later, so there's less time to be hungry. I had an AWESOME leg workout, most likely thanks to the extra carbs from the pizza last night. I PR'd on leg press with 2 x 8- 360 lbs. 

My ladies do it for me, so here I'm following the rules too. Here are "Day 1 of Prep" pics:

I will take some pics after 1 week, but then they won't come as often, unless I have a huge 

1 down, 96 to go!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

5 Days Pre-Competiton Prep

Today I have 5 more days to enjoy food...after that, it's hard core competition prep for 16 weeks. What does that mean? That means Reese cups before 9:00 AM, that's what! LOL. And I enjoyed every bite. My sweet, sweet, supportive, hubby asked where I want to go eat Saturday for my "last supper". I canNOT decide! I don't want sushi, cause I know I can make Sashimi fit during prep. I had a burger and a steak this past weekend...I feel like I've had all the good cheat food! Decisions, decisions....I know it'll hit me Friday night, but until then, I'm stumped.

I DID get my competition shoes yesterday. I tried them on when I got home, and can I just tell you how hot they are?!?! I mean, I'm not super lean or anything, but they made my legs look good!! AND, they're nice and squishy and more comfy than I anticipated! Time to practice walking in them. Can't wait to step on that stage in 4 months :-o

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Pop Tart Pandemic

Yesterday I caved. I had a box of reduced fat pop tarts at the office from my last high carb day, which fell on a weekday. Yesterday they got the best of me (sneaky little bastards!). I ate TWO packs! They were delicious, but that's over my carb allowance for the entire day right there. So I went to the gym and MURDERED shoulders. So I can't be too mad...I'm 11 days out from the 1st official day of competition prep, so I need to enjoy it while I can. Damn you pop tarts! Here's a little post workout pump. Oh, and Go Pirates!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A New First

This is my new venture. I'm not much of a writer, and have a hard time putting my thoughts into interesting and coherent words. But I'm thinking I'll give this a go. Now that I'm training clients, I feel that if they had the opportunity to get to know me, and my daily struggles, it might make their fitness journey the slightest bit easier. With this, I've also made the decision to enter my first bodybuilding competition, in the bikini division. I'm hoping this blog will not only allow me to share my preparation with clients, friends, and family; but also to document the process, so that I can look back on it and see where I struggled and where I can improve. Stay tuned....