Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 2

Today was uneventful. I felt a little low on energy when I got home from the gym, but I had a pretty solid workout. Today was shoulder day...I love shoulders...especially when the right one doesn't hurt. Today's workout was:

3 x 12 lat raises (10,12, 15 lbs)
3 x 12 front raises (10,12, 15 lbs)
3 x 12 rear delt raises (10, 12, 15 lbs)

3 x 12 cable upright row (70, 70, 70)

4 x 12 shoulder press (25, 25, 25, 30)

Cable lat raises to exhaustion

2 sets 25 incline push ups

16 minutes HIIT on the stair climber

I'm definitely happy right now that Ashley has my cardio lower. If I had to up it right now I'd burn out before 16 weeks is done. A little annoyed that we're about to get snow. Wednesday was going to be an off day anyway, but that's because I was training a client. Now I'm having to move that to another day and I'm sure I won't be able to get to the gym on Wednesday. Burpees it is! Booooo. Food was on point...and I'm already down 1.6 lbs from yesterday...just goes to show what shit food will do to you! And since I have no fun fitness pics you go! Utley LOVES jell-o!

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