Sunday, January 26, 2014

Prep Day 1

As promised, here is one of many days of prep logged. 
Last night we went out to mellow Mushroom for my "food funeral". I crushed pizza, pretzels, and drank some, heavy craft beer. It was delicious. 

So today was a breeze. Ashley only cut me 10g of carbs per day, and my fat went up...more peanut butter, you say?!?! OKAY! Weekends are usually pretty easy, minus the extra temptations. But I wake up a little later, so there's less time to be hungry. I had an AWESOME leg workout, most likely thanks to the extra carbs from the pizza last night. I PR'd on leg press with 2 x 8- 360 lbs. 

My ladies do it for me, so here I'm following the rules too. Here are "Day 1 of Prep" pics:

I will take some pics after 1 week, but then they won't come as often, unless I have a huge 

1 down, 96 to go!

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