Tuesday, January 21, 2014

5 Days Pre-Competiton Prep

Today I have 5 more days to enjoy food...after that, it's hard core competition prep for 16 weeks. What does that mean? That means Reese cups before 9:00 AM, that's what! LOL. And I enjoyed every bite. My hubby...my sweet, sweet, supportive, hubby asked where I want to go eat Saturday for my "last supper". I canNOT decide! I don't want sushi, cause I know I can make Sashimi fit during prep. I had a burger and a steak this past weekend...I feel like I've had all the good cheat food! Decisions, decisions....I know it'll hit me Friday night, but until then, I'm stumped.

I DID get my competition shoes yesterday. I tried them on when I got home, and can I just tell you how hot they are?!?! I mean, I'm not super lean or anything, but they made my legs look good!! AND, they're nice and squishy and more comfy than I anticipated! Time to practice walking in them. Can't wait to step on that stage in 4 months :-o

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